
Catalyst Spark is a returning member at TFINO who vanished for near two years thanks to RL

Basic shit ya prolly don't care bout:[]

Catalyst Spark is a 24 year old trans man who is still in the process of transitioning fully. Formerly a resident of Louisiana, he now calls Illinois home. After nearly two years of absence due to moving and the shitstorm that insued, he's back, though his posting and chatting may be sporatic. He enjoys cooking and making up new recipes. In his time away his vision has degraded, however with use of assistive technology he can still get around fine on the internet.

Trivial info:[]

  • Favorite Transformers:



~That awsome driller thing Shockwave had

  • Music preferences: Rock, metal, violin solos, alternative, j-rock, piano solos.
  • Hobbies: Writing, Music Mixing, tending to his weapons collection, rock climbing, cooking

  • Aliases:


